Notation Software – Multiple Movements

Setting up multiple movements in a single file with notation software.

The things you need to look for are:
1. Measure atributes: final double bar at the end of a movement
2. measure attributes, begin a new stqaff system
3. measure attributes: hide cautionery clefs, key and time signaures. This will give you a clean end of movement and a new system for the next one.
4. Attach the movement numbers as score expressions to the first measure of the movement and assign it to a staff list showing top score staff and top parts staff. That way it will show where you need it, you will just have to drag it to the centre of the page each time. This is more reliable than using a text block.
5. Use the page layout tool to indent the first system of each movement. This will require manually dragging it in the score and parts, but it looks much clearer, especially if you begin a movement halfway down a page in the parts.
6. Set up staff styles that have no change, except the abbreviated staff name is the same as the full staff name. You will need one for each staff, and apply it to the first measure of each movement. This will give you full instrument names on the first system of each movement.

Using all of these makes parts much more flexible, layouts can include new movements half way down a page, repagination and changing page turns does not affect numerous files, but flows within a file, and the start of each movement is clear and easy to see.

HSM DVD Release Party

hsm_dvd_sleeve.jpgFrom HSM Producer Harold Paige

Yea! It’s finally going to be here! Cast, crew and production staff are invited to a premier showing of the DVD of Theater Arts Guild’s presentation of Disney’s High School Musical.

Cast, crew and production staff should have already received an email with the time and place of the showing – this is a private showing and not open to the public.